Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct



Each employee shall observe utmost confidentiality and secrecy of any and all information received by them or entrusted to them in the course of their employment. By accepting employment with the Institute, they acknowledge that all information received by them in the course of their employment with the Institute is proprietary to the Institute and is not personal to them.

They shall ensure that neither originals nor copies of software or documents and files in electronic / digital form (e.g., on diskettes, tapes, drives, CDs etc.), which are the property of the Institute, are removed from the premises of the Institute, for any reason whatsoever, unless explicit advance permission is given by a duly authorized principal of the Institute.

They shall also ensure that all originals and copies (made by any means whatsoever) of documents or parts thereof (of whatever nature) which they remove from the premises of the Institute for work purposes are returned to the premises of the Institute, unless alternative instructions have been received from a duly authorized principal of the Institute. In any event, upon their leaving the services of the Institute, they shall ensure that all originals and copies (made by any means whatsoever) of documents or parts thereof (in whatever form and of whatever nature) in their possession are returned to the premise of the Institute.

Any breach of this condition may result in instant dismissal and punitive legal action for criminal breach of conduct against them and any future employer or any commercial or non-commercial firm/enterprise/venture that they may be associated with, where such document and/or files or the content therein is used in any form or manner whatsoever.

Teaching staff

Being teacher by profession, the employee assumes the obligation to conduct him/herself at all times in accordance with the highest standards of the teaching profession aiming at quality and excellence in the work and conduct, with no undesirable habits, thus winning the respect from students, colleagues and all internal and external stake holders. They have to set themselves as a role model and not impart subjective knowledge but help students to develop their moral, mental and physical wellbeing along with overall personality. They must be a lifelong learner and promote the same in the students.

Non- Teaching staff

The non-teaching staff member will observe discipline of the college and will act accordingly to the instructions given by the Principal/SRKSM from time to time.

We would request you to maintain complete confidentiality and secrecy of the activities pertaining to the Institute and the Trust.

They will ensure cordial relationships with all the teaching faculties, students and parents.


The employee will abide by and follow all guidelines, service rules, regulations, standing orders, instructions and directives (or by whatever name called) that the Institute may issue from time to time, generally applicable to the employees or specifically applicable to any employee. Any breach thereof will entitle the Institute to terminate the appointment. The said guidelines etc. and the specific terms and conditions of the appointment letter thereof are supplementary to each other and are to be read in cohesion / conjunction with each other. In the eventuality of there being any confusion or conflict between the two, the interpretation and intention laid out by the Institute shall be final and binding.

The employee will be required to apply and maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, efficiency, morality, ethics, discipline and integrity at all times and in all matters. They must respect their profession, nation, law and order and abide by all the rules laid by the government/SRKSM/Institute. They shall contribute in fostering the feeling of brotherhood, national integration and reverence for all religions. They shall be impartial, sympathetic and helpful to all the student teachers irrespective of their level of understanding and merit. The employee must be presentable in terms of dressing while on duty, punctual in attendance and other duties allotted without any negligence, refrain from any type of unauthorized financial transactions/obligations with any stakeholders by virtue of his/her position in the Institute. Institute won’t be responsible in such cases. They shall be prudent towards the property and funds of the Institute. They shall not indulge in any malpractices in examination or in any college activities.

The candidate shall not misuse the personal details of any staff member or students like contact number, address, identity and residence proofs etc. and shall not disclose them to anyone without permission of the Principal Institute won’t be liable and legal actions shall be taken against the accused, if proven, it may lead to termination of the services.

They shall not practice discrimination among the student teachers or staff based on religion or caste or race. They shall not use any abusive words and shall behave decently and cordially with all to maintain the decorum of the Institute.

The employee shall not claim to represent the Institute in any manner or to bind the Institute to any obligation or commitment unless specifically authorized to do so, by the Principal of the Institute.

The employee shall not engage them self in any act or communication which does, or is likely to, bring any disrepute or harm to the name, reputation and standing of the Institute.

The employee shall conduct them self at all times so as to be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of India.

The employee shall keep the Institute informed of their local address, permanent address and telephone (mobile and landline) contacts, and any other personal information requested and any changes thereto. They shall also keep the Institute informed of their marital status, and any changes thereto. Any changes in contact information and marital status must be communicated in writing within a fortnight of its occurrence.

The Institute may, at any time, grant any indulgence, forbearance or extension of time for performance of duty, or release the employee from any obligation under the terms of the appointment, without impairing any future right to insist on strict and timely compliance with the terms of the appointment and without affecting the obligations and duties under the terms of the appointment.

No failure or delay by the Institute hereto at any time during the appointment to exercise any right or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof nor shall it any affect the existence and contents of that right or remedy nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right or remedy prevent any other exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy. The rights and remedies herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provide by law.


All student teachers must abide by the rules and regulations of the Institute. The Institute authority may take disciplinary action if any student teacher violates the rules and regulations. Student teachers are advised to adhere to the code of conduct and discharge their responsibilities as a student teacher. Student teachers are required to follow following rules:

1. Classes begin at 11:30 a.m. and can go until 4:30 p.m., or later if necessary, after college hours.

2. While on campus, each student teacher must carry their identity card. Any violation will result in disciplinary action.

     3. Students need to maintain the institute neat and clean campus.

4. Mobile phone is completely forbidden to use a mobile phone for only educational purposes on campus unless the teacher has given permission. Any violation will result in disciplinary action.

5. Students and teachers must read notices and circulars posted on a notice board and regularly check social media for updates.

     6. Throwing paper pieces or spitting should be forbidden.

7. Punishment, both disciplinary and criminal, would result from misuse or unlawful use of the institute property, including computers and the library.

     8. Every student who works at the institute must behave in a disciplined manner.

9. For each student teacher to be eligible for internal exams administered by the university    and institute, they must maintain a minimum of 80% of attendance.

10. It is completely forbidden to rag on campus. The institute will not allow any form of ragging activities. The institute anti-ragging cell would take severe measures against the offending individual.

11. Any form of violence or sexual harassment will result in disciplinary action or criminal action, as determined by the institute sexual harassment committee.

12. The institute will take disciplinary action against any other behavior that the Director, Principal, or any other Competent Authority deems to be in breach.

13. The Code of Professional Ethics, which is periodically established by the university and institute, must be followed by the students.