Women’s Cell (WC)

Women’s Cell (WC)

Objectives of WC

  1. To provide a healthy work environment for all or female lecturers, staff and students.
  2. To endeavour to create a gender- sensitive atmosphere inside our organisation.
  3. To routinely plan awareness campaign, lectures and programs in order to create a work place that is gender-neutral.


Functions of WC

1. To suggest measures for creating a safe working environment for women on campus to avoid sexual harassment or gender discrimination in any form;

2. To conduct orientation programs for new students and employees;

3. To raise awareness of gender-related issues in the community at large and take the necessary steps to create gender sensitivity on the campus;

4. To increase awareness of the Women’s Cell by posting posters in visible locations like notice board and creating a website link on the Institute homepage;

5. To schedule monthly training sessions and awareness campaigns to educate the Institute’s personnel and students about the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act 2013;

6. To carry out any additional duties that the Principal may designate to the Institute,

7. To make it easier for respondent(s) or complainant(s) in sexual harassment cases to access counselling services.


Following Women’s Cell in hereby formed for the academic session – 2023-24

  1. Dr. Anu D. Mehta (9510364844)  – Chair person
  2. Dr. Sheetal A. Machhi (7383223045) – Coordinator
  3. Dr. Sangeeta G.Rohit (8849450748) – Member
  4. Dr. Sneha H. Prajapati (6351391752) – Member
  5. Shobhana Zala (History) (9316899176) – Students Representative
  6. Vrunda Vyas (English) (9558588076) –  Students Representative
  7. Niti Pandya (Hindi) (8347726382) – Students Representative
  8. Laxmi  Zala (Gujarati) (7359716447) – Students Representative
  9. Kajal Padhiyar (B.Lib.) (6353168717) – Students Representative