GCAS - Student Grievance Redressal

GCAS - Student Grievance Redressal Committee

The Anand Institute of P.G. Studies in Arts’ Student Grievance Redressal Committee (henceforth referred to as the “SGRC”) aims to resolve student grievances in accordance with the highest principles of honesty, equity, and confidentiality.

Committee of SGR

The SGRC shall consist of:

  1. Chair person: Dr. Mukeshkumar V. Joshi – M. 78743 45501       
  2. Members: 1). Dr.Sangeeta Rohit.

                 2). Dr.Pravin Vankar

                 3). Dr.Balvant Tandel

                 4). Prof. Ranjitsing Bhoi



  1. Student representative:    Manav Patel. (History Sem. – II)



The objectives of SGRC are:

1. To give students a chance to freely voice their complaints in complete anonymity.
2. To put in place a system for resolving grievances quickly and efficiently.
3. To help the students in the grievance-resolution process by offering them suitable counselling.
4. To encourage friendly relationships between the students themselves.


1. To examine the grievances that the SGRC has received.
2. To evaluate the complaints in accordance with the natural justice standards.
3. To report to the affiliated university’s vice chancellor, along with any recommendations.
4. To carry out surveys in order to determine students’ issues and offer appropriate answers.



The principal selects a representative from among the college student body based on that student’s academic standing as well as his or her success in extracurricular activities and sports.

Mode of submitting the Grievance

An aggrieved student can submit the application seeking redressal of grievance to the Committee

  • By email at aipsrksm@gmail.com  or
  • By dropping the compliant at the grievance box.