Vision Mission

Vision & Mission

A vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what an organization wants to ultimately become. A mission statement focuses on today and what an organization does to achieve it

An institution of excellence in higher education that continuously responds to the changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge as knowledge is power and protects the dignity, equality, fraternity and human values.

To purpose its vision and guiding principles of institute based on the foundation for life time learning and widening the horizons of knowledge. Institute organizes teaching programmes to facilitate the development of character, build adequate competence and committed individuals from practice, research and teaching through discipline.

  • To make the students well acquainted with the mother language, the national language, the international language and their literature in the field of Arts.
  • To provide the students the opportunities of vicarious participation which will help them to transform them into better human beings.
  • To encourage the students to have a leap into the past and understand the importance of cultural heritage, different civilizations and historical background of Globe.
  • To avail guidance, knowledge and excellence in the area of professional competence in the field of library and Information Science.
  • To create opportunities for the youth to cater the need in the fields of research, communication, teaching, writing, editing and translation.
  • To enable the students to be familiar with global development and skills in all walks of life by widening their horizons of Knowledge.